

AutoExpert is a company specialized in the repair of vehicles displaying body damages caused by the fall of hail or light bumps occurred in traffic or in the parking lot, without using putty and paint, maintaining the vehicle’s original paint intact, as long as it was not damaged.

Our specialists trained in this field in specialized schools from Italy, using a state-of-the-art technology, are able to quickly eliminate any deformation of the body without calling for putty and re-painting. The special methods that are used allow the original paint to remain intact if it was not damaged.


Alex says:

“I was surprised to see how fast this team “moves”. Although my entire car was hit by hail, Autoexepert team managed to impeccably repair it in only 4-5 hours...”

Sebastian says:

“Simple, clean, fast and extremely efficient!. As a car dealer, I fixed two cars in a single day. Very happy, I sincerely recommend them!”


  • We do not use any type of putty or paint, thus eliminating the unavoidable problems related to the nuance difference following the re-painting.
  • the car value is preserved, thus saving the official guarantee of the manufacturing house.
  • reduced time work - intervention duration is measured in hours, not in days as in the case of the classical method (putty, paint, polish etc.)
  • possibility to intervene on spot, the technology we use allowing it.


    +4 0741 676 207
    +4 0740 300 688
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